Welcome to the web page for Math 621: Elementary Geometry,
Fall 2017! This page is very simple, but
it contains everything that you will need for the course.
Please take some time to look around, and bookmark it for
future reference. Announcements will appear periodically.
• Midterm Exam 2: Wednesday, 11 October
• Deadline for Chapter 2 re-writes: Wednesday, 18
• Check out the
Slack chat room for this class.
Some (Potentially) Useful Links:
Non-Euclidean Grapher
Euclid's Elements
and Ruler app
Proof Writing:
For this course, the minimum acceptable standards of written mathematics
• The mathematics are correct. In particular,
mathematical ideas are stated precisely, using sound mathematical logic.
• Basic English language rules and norms are obeyed.
(e.g., Use proper grammar and complete sentences!)
The following links may be helpful:
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