Math 344: Calculus III

Spring 2013

Important Documents:
Course Syllabus
Tentative Schedule

The WebAssign class key for this class is:

wichita 2325 2515

Course Notes
Recommended Exercises

Study Aids:

The Khan Academy web site posts free tutorial videos. If you're having trouble understanding what we've done in class, I recommend that you find a relevant video on this site. It might not help, but it can't hurt.

You can find complete solutions to questions from the book at Cramster. You can view 2 or 3 from each section for free.

Or you can buy the solution guide.

You can use Wolfram|Alpha to solve problems for you, so that you can check your answers. If the process of finding an answer is involved, then Wolfram will usually have a "show steps" button so that you can see exactly how to solve your problem. In my opinion, this is the only "calculator" that you should ever need. You can't use one on the tests anyway. Be careful to use this as a tool, and not as a crutch!

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